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Three roller gates maintenance and repair steps

Three roller gates are suitable for all kinds of public places requiring orderly pedestrians such as subway, BRT, stadiums, docks, office buildings, residential areas and other places requiring ticket checking. Because of the large workload of three roller gates, The protection is not underestimated, the specific content is as follows:
First, the three roller gates protection and maintenance order:
1, three roller gates external maintenance:
1) once a week on the three roller gates surface cleaning, remove the rust spots, with a soft cloth and fossil powder to polish the surface of the chassis, coated with anti-rust oil to prevent hand-touch, otherwise it will damage the surface rust effect;
2) The surface without spraying, wipe the surface of the dust, scratches revealed, with the same color make up paint on it;
3) three roller gates fixed screws and the lever loose check and fastening;
2, three roller gates internal maintenance:
1) check the electronic control section for any problems;
2) Check whether the power is exposed to be bandaged, wire finishing;
3) Check the wires for aging, the internal mechanical structure of the smooth, fuel.
Second, three roller gates protection and maintenance steps:
1. Check the three roller gate screw fixation, such as showing loose all the screws should be tightened;
2. Check the interior of the three roller gates to clean and smooth the dust and other dirt;
3. Move the solenoid plunger, check the three roller gate lever, check the sensitivity, and make the necessary smooth maintenance;
4. Use a clean brush pen to clean the dust on the circuit board.
Third, three roller gates protection and care precautions:
1. Each maintenance operation is necessary in place, comprehensive;
2. Insist on the good environment and working status of the three roller gates.
3. Circuit board parts must not be washed with water, to prevent severe short-circuit conditions;
4. Rolling part, touch the friction part is necessary to refueling smooth;

Address:4th Floor, No.241, Jieling Road, Jielin Road, Fucheng Street, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China
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